case, you should remove Audience Network from your placements.

If you’re optimizing for conversions, you should also remove it. It’s not worth the risk of driving low quality traffic that won’t convert.

If you’re optimizing for video views, you should also remove it. It’s not worth the risk of driving low quality traffic that won’t watch your video.

If you’re optimizing for brand awareness, you should also remove it. It’s not worth the risk of driving low quality traffic that won’t remember your brand.

When Should You Keep It?

If you’re optimizing for Link Clicks or Landing Page Views, you should keep it if you don’t care about the quality of the clicks. If you’re okay with driving lots of low quality traffic, then you should keep it.

If you’re optimizing for conversions, you should keep it if you’re okay with driving lots of low quality traffic that won’t convert. It’s possible that you’ll get a few conversions, but it’s not likely.

If you’re optimizing for video views, you should keep it if you’re okay with driving lots of low quality traffic that won’t watch your video. It’s possible that you’ll get a few views, but it’s not likely.

If you’re optimizing for brand awareness, you should keep it if you’re okay with driving lots of low quality traffic that won’t remember your brand. It’s possible that you’ll get a few people who remember your brand, but it’s not likely.


Audience Network is a problematic placement for Meta advertisers. It can drive lots of low quality traffic that won’t do anything else. It’s why you should remove it if you’re optimizing for conversions, video views, or brand awareness.

If you’re optimizing for Link Clicks or Landing Page Views, you should keep it if you don’t care about the quality of the clicks. Otherwise, you should remove it.

If you’re looking to buy Instagram followers $1 or buy cheap tiktok views, Fstagram is the best place to go. We offer a wide range of services for all the major social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Spotify, Facebook, Pinterest, and Discord. Check out our blog for more information about our services and how to get the most out of your social media accounts.Are you looking to buy Instagram followers $1? If so, you need to be aware of the potential issues with the Audience Network placement. This placement can inflate your numbers, leading to misleading results. In this case, make sure to turn off Audience Network when optimizing for either Link Clicks or Landing Page Views.

The other time to be cautious is when optimizing for ThruPlay. Because this placement rewards users who watch an entire video with virtual currency, you will get an insane number of ThruPlays. In fact, you may see numbers that don’t make any sense.

In the example above, there were actually more ThruPlays than people reached. I don’t care how engaging your video is. That does not happen unless manipulation is involved. Maybe you’re okay with a volume of clicks and you don’t care what those people do. Maybe you’ve found that the quality of traffic you’re getting is better than I’ve seen. And maybe you’re okay with a high number of rewarded video plays. You don’t care that it doesn’t mean that these people are as interested in your video as the numbers may suggest. Or maybe you’ve seen good results from them.

Just be aware of the potential issues in both cases. I’m not saying you’re crazy if you don’t turn Audience Network off when using these optimization options. Find what works for you. But make sure that you know the risks involved. (And you might be slightly crazy if you leave it on in these cases.)

When Should You Use It?

I hope I’ve made a good argument for why you should be wary of Audience Network. But, be careful not to overcorrect. Many experienced advertisers understand the placement’s reputation. In response, they always turn it off. If you understand how optimization works, this actually isn’t necessary.

It all starts with the Performance Goal in the ad set. You tell Meta your goal metric that determines success. Some goal metrics (Link Clicks, Landing Page Views, and ThruPlays) can be inflated by weaknesses in the Audience Network placement.

But, here’s what you need to remember when it comes to how optimization works: If a placement doesn’t help you achieve your goal, less of your budget will be spent there.

So, let’s assume you’re running a campaign for any type of conversion. It could be sales, leads, or even a custom event for quality traffic. In this case, there’s really no need to manually select placements. I know, we old-school advertisers did this all the time back in the day. But, the algorithm learns very quickly what works and what doesn’t. If a placement isn’t leading to positive results that contribute to your goal, less of your budget will be spent there.

Remember that split test I did for quality traffic? Nearly all my budget was spent on Audience Network when optimizing for Link Clicks or Landing Page Views. But when I optimized for the Quality Visitor custom event (2 Minutes + 70% Scroll), not a penny was spent there.

If there’s no way you can get misleading results, don’t worry about it. Can the placement result in accidental purchases? Accidental leads? While you can get lower-quality leads, it’s unlikely due to the placement.

So, if you’re optimizing for a conversion of any kind, let it ride with Advantage+ Placements and keep Audience Network on. It’s possible that not a penny will be spent there anyway. Most importantly, making all placements available may keep your costs down.

Watch Video

I recorded a video about this, too. Watch it below…

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The growing sophistication of online marketing campaigns and unparalleled access to a wide range of audience insights makes the Audience Network Placement a valuable tool for meta-advertisers. But should meta-advertisers leverage this powerful tool or choose another option?

The Audience Network Placement is a form of ad targeting available on several large online platforms, such as Google and Microsoft. This type of targeting allows meta-advertisers to reach users who may not have shown an interest in a company’s product or service. By tapping into a brand’s extensive network of associated websites, meta-advertisers can connect with an audience even before those users are actively searching for something.

For example, a company selling dog toys could target potential customers on related websites that discuss pet care or favorite dog breeds. This provides broader reach and visibility compared to ads that are served up only when the user is actively searching for a product.

In addition to expanding the reach of an advertising campaign, the Audience Network Placement also gives meta-advertisers more control over who they target. Meta-advertisers can create custom audience segments from the data they collect on user behavior, and they can use this information to fine-tune their targeting strategy to ensure the most relevant and visible ads.

Overall, the Audience Network Placement can provide meta-advertisers with tremendous reach and control. It allows them to connect with potential customers before they are actively searching, and to segment their audiences so that their ads are more accurately targeted to the right people. Ultimately, it is up to the meta-advertisers to decide if this type of ad targeting is the best option for their campaigns, but it is certainly a tool worth exploring.